Yesterday the first part of the project was due. This was the part that we worked on as a group- putting the layout of the Sun together like a puzzle. We set up the room by lining the tables up around, and then laying our work on the table next to the original copies. We then went around the room, writing critiques of each group’s work- a good experience, because we could see what mistakes other people made and then see what mistakes others found in ours. This way, we could give each other positive and negative feedback about what would work better next time.
The next part of the project is to pair up with another group- Gun Shack- and put their content (text and photos) into our layout. It might pose as a problem to do this, but it is one we must figure out.
I am excited to begin the next part of the project, which is an individual exploration of laying out the same material in a new and exciting way. It will also be nice to not have to rely on other people’s schedules and to be able to work on this project in my own time frame.
Here are some screen shots of the first part of the project: