Project Two!!
Today, since the lecture was cancelled, ji-Hyun and I went to the Dover bookshop near Covent Garden, and we looked through some of the clip art books. Basically, they were mostly just illustrations- some in color, some in black and white, some were detailed and others were very simple. It didn't really help me to see the clip art books (because I know what clip art is...and it wasn't that inspiring!) but we looked through some other books that really inspired me. One was a stencil book, that had a lot of photos around London of different stenciled and spray painted images:

Okay, that is enough with the Stencil art.
So, I was thinking... my topic is "religion." I could either take religious symbols, or religious figures, and draw them in Illustrator, and then make stencils out of them and spray paint them and then the final piece would be a scan of the spray painted work as a clip art file. It would be contemporary clip art because its not just a black and white image- its almost graffiti like, which might also be cool because its kind of ironic to have religious images as graffiti. Just a thought.
I am not sure if I should do symbols or figures. If I do symbols, its almost taking the easy way out because there are so many religious symbols and they are easy to draw. However, if I did faces of religious figures- ie, Jesus, Buddah, etc. then it might be more difficult, but have a better outcome. I don't know if I even know ten religious figures... hmm...
1- Pope
2- Bush
3- Jesus
4- Buddah
5- Wierd hindu guy with six arms
6- Zeus (really more of a mythological character, but who gives?)
7- An angel
8- Mary
9- Muslim girl (I would do Muhammed, but supposedly it is a sacrelidge to make a figural image of him..)
10- Ghandi
Wow. that look a long time to think of all those things. Some are more mythological and some are actual figures- but I think they all have something to do with religion. Anyway. I am going to search for images of these people and then photoshop them, then trace them in Illustrator.
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